Artist Books
Books, notebooks, notebooks, annotations, notes, studies...
From the need for a portable, light, fast, traveling register, these series arise in different formats.
Like private diaries on occasions, logbooks or free experiments, they are filled with my days and accompany me wherever I go.
Essence and Existences
21 April - 13 May 2018
Group Show
Tannay. Switzerland
For this occasion I have prepared a very intimate work with a certain key of humor and irony.
Four small-format books in which I take a journey through my emotions, desires and impulses that poetically collect the combustion of my days.
Freely inspired by what surrounds me, image and word come together to create a universe between sweet and scoundrel with a spontaneous, expressive and sometimes almost childlike graphic.
I have sought through concept, line and texture to combine and unite disparate worlds, order and chaos, vibration and serenity, emptiness and fullness.
Like all my work, these four books are part of the deepest part of my being and from the most intimate they emerge and are configured as casual fragmented self-portraits.
A non-linear discourse in which the pieces add up to almost as much or more than the whole.
stories of hearts
spring 2016/ 2017
in process...
An emotion, a heart
Every day is unique, every moment is unique, in the same day I can feel very differently, vibrate very differently...
This series, as free as it is intense, is the chronicle of the days through the naive and the dense.
my heart is alive
autumn notebook
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A Journey Between Two Worlds
This Autumn notebook is born from an encounter and a journey. End of summer and early autumn, everything to discover, everything to do, everything to plant...
Sea, sky and land, mountains, steppes and lush forests, encounters and disagreements, friendship and lack of love.
life and memories
Strait of Gibraltar, Costa Vicentina, Lisbon, Fribourg and Lake Leman; Intense light, infinite green, silence of snow and much more