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These works are part of the days of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Uncertainty, opposite feelings, anxiety... days of searching for inner resources, searching for positivity when there is a lot of stress, fear and negativity around.

A new and exceptional situation.

Far from trying to illustrate these days, this is, like all my work, an open, mutable and very free process. Yes, there has been a slight intention to seek the inner Light to compensate for the prevailing darkness. I don't know if I have succeeded.

Already at this time (end of May) we are moving towards greater freedom of movement although there is still everything to be said and done, recovering normality is not possible, drawing a new route is the challenge.

It has been and is being an intense process of changing values, reconquests and deep analysis. Our “safe” world has disappeared, leaving something, in some cases, full of cracks and fissures.

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