Atelier - Galerie Cathèrine Etter
15 / 25 October
I live in a free country, which can only be free… as the Poet said.
I live in the land of the wind, I came here 30 years ago, after a dream or perhaps a promise. It was a port of call, transit to another destination, but something kidnapped me and chained me to this land forever.
City woman, here I discovered the simple energy of nature, the sacrament with the landscape, the cycles of time, the pulse of life...
The Wind, always present, prints a dynamic character to everything that surrounds me, thus, I live in a real metaphor of the impermanent, of the unstable, mutable. Adaptation, imagination, elasticity, lightness, detachment… I can think of many words to talk about what I feel, that surrounds me and that is mine in its own right.
Everything is part of a process, life is a process that does not stop.
My work is a reflection of that dynamic process. Now, in the current context of what is happening in the Middle East, this song of freedom takes a new turn.
Every day new news of freedom that is extinguished at the hands of those who think they own what does not belong to them. And every day that passes, I feel more need to give you, again, the blue of the sky, so that you turn, suspended and light, without fear, rocked by the wind.
¨Wind Feathers for your Wings¨… the phrase came between the lyrics of a song and I knew myself there, inside all that beauty. That is, precisely, that freedom lived and conquered that I now return to you so that you too can turn lightly in the blue of the sky.
Wind Feathers for your wings.
With hope. For them
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